Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hoe Sit Down Award of the Week

This weeks award goes to Mr. George Michael.
The 42-year-old British singer was taken into custody early on Sunday at Hyde Park Corner in central London after a member of the public called police to investigate a man slumped over the wheel of his car. Police said he had been held on suspicion of possessing class C drugs, a group in British law which includes cannabis, tranquilizers and some painkillers. "It's my own stupid fault, as usual," Michael said in a statement on Monday. "I was in possession of class C drugs, which is an offense, and I have no complaints about the police, who were professional throughout." (source: CNN.com)
Is there a point when you just get too old to do dumb shit? Dude, you're 42. I think that should count. File that right up under the "too damn old for the dumb shit" category. Cut it out, before you go go. To jail that is. Okay, that was just bad.


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Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take and may this song play all the way, through. And if it skip a beat, hit repeat, this the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. If it skip a beat, hit repeat, This the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. -Juelz Sanatana, This Is Me, What The Game's Been Missing