Thursday, March 09, 2006


As I think about you,
the words spill off my lips
the ink flows from my pen
I cannot get my thoughts together
It happens everytime I try
I try to make a complete thought
of you
What's wrong?
Cuz this ain't me
This isn't my usual
Not my style
I've never been at a loss for
Then I met you
and every word
every sentence
Must be sought out
Nothing ever on the tip of my tongue
You make me lose my
I can't keep up
I just can't keep
I'm trying
trying so hard
To pretend like you haven't grabbed
My attention
But it's so hard
when all words are taken
from me
I can reach out
and there they are
The phrases I use to describe
just how fine you are to me
But as soon as I touch them they
in a million different directions
just like my thoughts
You see?
All my efforts disappear
I wanted this to rhyme
when I began it
As you can see
that didn't happen
Because as soon as I had all my thoughts together
I thought of you

2006 (c) Jacki Simmons


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Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take and may this song play all the way, through. And if it skip a beat, hit repeat, this the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. If it skip a beat, hit repeat, This the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. -Juelz Sanatana, This Is Me, What The Game's Been Missing