Monday, November 14, 2005

Popping In To Say...

RIP Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005
I find this kind of sucky. 38 is too damn young to be dead. I don't even know the guy, much less watch wrestling, but it's sad anyway.

Also: You can't be serious. I'm slow as hell, ya'll already know that. But Caushun the Gay Rapper? Where am I? What year is it? What's going on? It's 4:11 in the morning and I am sitting here dumbfounded as I read the screen. (Feel free to add synonyms for dumbfounded.) I was just talking about this in the Let's Be Real post. And now this. This must have been what 50 was talking about. Oy. What is the world coming to?
*Laughing* And end, says my cousin from over my shoulder.


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Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take and may this song play all the way, through. And if it skip a beat, hit repeat, this the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. If it skip a beat, hit repeat, This the realest shit I ever wrote, this is me. -Juelz Sanatana, This Is Me, What The Game's Been Missing