LONDON - An Eminem impersonator who beat a woman to death and stuffed her body in a suitcase - a scene reminiscent of the rapper's "Stan" video - is facing life in prison.
Christopher Duncan, 21, has the same hair color, style and tattoos as the rapper. Duncan pleaded guilty Thursday to killing Jagdip Najran, 26, a law student and aspiring singer.
They met at a karaoke bar last year, where Najran was smitten after watching Duncan perform, a prosecutor said. Duncan took Najran back to his apartment and beat her over the head with an iron baseball bat until she fell unconscious, then stuffed her body into a suitcase.
Medical experts testified she stayed alive for at least an hour after being struck. Duncan reportedly told police he was high on Ecstasy and LSD at the time.
In the video for "Stan," an obsessive fan ties up his girlfriend, throws her in the trunk of his car and drives it over a bridge.
Duncan was to be sentenced Monday. A call to Eminem's publicist in Los Angeles was not immediately returned.
What kind of an insane freaking weirdo is this cat? Bull like this is exactly why I don't believe in the power of people. I'll be back with a lighter post in a few hours.
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